Total Chaos
by Su Chon
- RAD What have you been up to since touring with the Offspring this
- Ron
- We're working on a new record.
- Jeff
- The first one's good you know, a lot of our songs are based on
anti-racist, you know, it's a big issue with us 'cause you
know, people can't function, this world can't function until
we get along.
- Where are your girlfriends that were here at the last show?
- Jeff
- Last time, that was our last show, and so the girls just met
us up here.
- And you just hung out?
- Jeff
- Yeah.
- How was Berkeley?
- Jeff
- We were supposed to have one more show after there, but our
van broke down.
- So it fell through?
- Ron
- Yeah, we didn't get to play.
- Jeff
- It broke down in the middle of, it's called Wells, Nevada, and
so, we didn't have that much money and we needed a new
alternator. So here the gas station attendant is trying to
say, "Well, I'll knock money off if you get your girlfriends
over here to take pictures with me." You know shit like this.
He's all, "For ten dollars, y'know onell, "For ten dollars, y'know one of 'em, I'll knock ten
dollars off if one of 'em comes over, twenty dollars if they
both come over...
- Ron
- ...they flash boobs and shit...
- Jeff
- ...yeah, my girlfriend is kinda stacked, right? She's got
hooters. He's all, "Get your girlfriend over here, and I'll
knock off quite a bit for her." You've got this fucking,
horny-assed gas station attendant, man.
- Well, there's nothing in Nevada so what do you expect.
- Jeff
- Well, he wanted something.
- So are you going to carry on with this anti-racist theme in
your next album?
- Jeff
- It always will, we always will.
- Ron
- Always, actually our next album is good. We're doing "The End
of White Supremacy" tonight.
- How long have you been touring now and are the crowds
receptive to your music?
- Ron
- We're two weeks into it. Last time you saw us, we just got
off a six week tour and it was our second to last show that we
played. The Bosstones crowd in Los Angeles were pretty
receptive and then Portland was pretty receptive, but we ran
into places where they've been less than receptive to us. We
were originally playing right before the Bosstones, now we're
playing before the Voodoo Glow Skulls just because the crowd
seems to work with them better. Thork with them better. The VGS have actually been
around longer.
- Have they?
- Ron
- Oh yeah. Well they're friends of ours, too. It looks like
they're going to be on Epitaph, too.
- Are they really ska or are they more punk?
- Ron
- No, they're a punk band with a horn section is what I think
they are. I think you'll find them really enjoyable. They're
pretty crazy, they like open up with this Ozzy Osbourne thing
with the horns and stops real fast and they get into this real
aggressive horn-oriented punk. It's, they're unique.
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