Moonpools and Caterpillars
by Jeff Jolley
If you've seen that sporty little Volkswagen commercial with that
woman singing so scat-like, you've heard Moonpools and
Caterpillars. They are a very fine-sounding new band who's debut
album, "Lucky Dumpling," is performing quite well. Read on for a
little interview we had with Tim and Gugut. And then read about
them in concert.
- Who's the resident Internet dude for your band?
- We're all pretty much in it, except I'm the one who has
the address on my system. We all have email and stuff
and we're all constantly on it.
- Yeah, Tim just forwards all the mail to everyone else in
the band.
- And have you gotten a lot of response?
- Yeah, a lot. Every time I go in there, there's something
- Well that's good, we like it too ourselves. It sounds
like it's been a really good release for you. I know
they're playing you a lot here. You guys have been around
awhile, but this is the first time that you've gotten any
airtime up here.
- This is the fiGUT
- This is the first time we've had any airtime anywhere.
- Now, who's the primary writer in the band?
- We're all pretty much the primary writers in the band.
We split everything four ways. Lyrics mostly come from
Kimi, with some lyric writing from Gugut from time to
time. But everything else starts with a small riff
somewhere and we just build up from there. You know
there's no one guy that sits down or no two guys that
sit down and pretty much monopolizes the whole thing. So,
it's a four way thing.
- What do you think makes Moonpools and Caterpillars so
attractive? What got you your contract?
- It's our exercising. We try to keep in shape and eat the
right food. (Gugut starts laughing) I don't know. Gugut?
- I don't know. No, I think like we got a whole package
going. We look like a band. Everyone's about the same
height, the music fits the way we look. The writing fits
the way we are really in person. I think we work well
together on stage and everybody's just, everything's all
natural. We all smile at each other.
- Yeah, we're having fun. That's what everyone says. We
all look like we're having fun up there?
- How>RAD
- How did you like working with Richard (Gottehrer) and
Jeffrey (Lesser) on the album?
- Oh great, no complaints.
- Yeah.
- Just the coolest guys around, that we know. They were
really enthusiastic, especially Richard. He was just ape.
He would go ape all of a sudden and then we would go ape,
and we would perform better.
- Yeah, it was his secret, his secret formula.
- And they both have really good ears for songwriting so
they were good in that sense. They gave it a pretty good
flavor. And they were able to capture the live sound
which is the hardest thing to get in there. We've tried
it before. We've gone like into studios and tried to make
demos and stuff and people would always say it's your
live sound you have to catch. That's what they kept
harping on. And they were able to do that pretty much.
Weren't they?
- Oh yeah.
- Yeah.
- You moved from the Philipines?
- Yes.
- Did you all know each other in the Philipines?
- No.
- Well, I knew Jay in the Philipines. But we've all known
each other for a long each other for a long time. I've known Tim almost ten
years. Jay's known Tim almost eleven to twelve years;
Kimi for eight years or nine years.
- We all pretty much met in high school.
- Now how did Kimi get involved? She wasn't obviously in
high school in LA, I don't think.
- She was a friend...
- She was a T.A. for the ESL class we were taking. (They
both start laughing) ESL which is English as a Second
Language. I'm totally kidding.
- I could tell, I could tell by your accent. (They laugh)
- She was a friend of Jay's sister and we just met her and
we all just started hanging out.
Tim leaves for a call-waiting call.
- And then we were all hanging out one night, and she was
singing in the car and me, Tim and Jay already had a band
going and we were just fooling around and we said, "hey
we've got this band going if you want to try and sing for
it." Back then it was all just hanging out then. It
wasn't really serious. Actually that's how our attitude
is even up to now, nothing's really serious, everything's
all, we just take everything in stride. We asked her if
she wanted to sing with the band and she did and we just
did and we just
started working from there. You know, the classic garage
band thing for like seven years. We never really stopped
going. We took a break here and there to finish school
and all that.
- What are some of the things you do outside of the band?
- Well, Tim is a screen playwright. He went to film school.
Jay is a financial internal auditor for a software
company. And Kimi is a fashion designer, she went to
fashion design school. And I'm a civil engineer for the
City of Los Angeles. Everyone's got their own thing going
on outside of the band which is healthy, I think.
- Wasn't one of you involved in that new pyramid find in
- Oh that would be me.
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